Dennis Archer

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This space is to ask for or provide information to other residents.
Examples are things to sell or buy, look for or recommend a service like a plumber, gardener, etc. Sell or buy a car or other things like furniture, appliances etc.
Advertising for commercial activities is not acceptable.
Mensajes: 7
Registrado: Jue Ene 26, 2012 9:15 am
Numero de Lote: 16
Urbanización: Centinela

Dennis Archer

Mensaje por rob »

Sorry to report that Dennis Archer, long time resident here, passed away yesterday afternoon from an assumed heart attack.
I talked to Gladis this morning, She seems to be doing ok (so far). I'm sure she will report about what happened soon.
Our thoughts go out to her & family.
Rob & Nubia Shirley
Mensajes: 361
Registrado: Lun Dic 19, 2011 8:43 am
Numero de Lote: 233
Urbanización: Centinela

Re: Dennis Archer

Mensaje por Marco »

Very sad news, Rob. We never met Dennis, but please extend our condolences. Let us know if there is a memorial or service.

El Centinela
Leslie "Marco" Lieurance, VP
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