Este espacio es para solicitar o proveer información a otros residentes.
Por ejemplos anunciar cosas para vender o comprar, recomendar o solicitar un servicio como plomeria, jardineria, pintura, etc. Vender o comprar un auto u otras cosas como muebles, electrodomesticos, etc.
Propaganda para actividades commercial no es aceptable.

This space is to ask for or provide information to other residents.
Examples are things to sell or buy, look for or recommend a service like a plumber, gardener, etc. Sell or buy a car or other things like furniture, appliances etc.
Advertising for commercial activities is not acceptable.
Mensajes: 75
Registrado: Jue Dic 29, 2011 4:50 pm
Numero de Lote: 142
Urbanización: Torreon


Mensaje por avechaser »

vlcsnap-2016-09-24-17h06m56s23 (2).jpg
vlcsnap-2016-09-24-17h06m56s23 (2).jpg (113.63 KiB) Visto 4672 veces
The photo is of a dangerous dog that runs wild in El Torreón and perhaps other areas. It was taken in the forested part of our lot. The dog has been seen several times either alone or with two other dogs. We think it is the same one that attacked a dog being walked on the street by its owner, and possibly is responsible for other similar attacks. It appears to be in good condition and to belong to a property owner or a caretaker. For some time we have had trouble with dogs on the loose; they are a danger to people – especially kids – pets and wildlife. In respect of the latter, they have chased away the deer, while the few agoutis that remain are permanently terrified.

If you recognize the dog and know where it lives, please inform the Administration or ourselves. If you are the owner, please keep the dog under control on your own lot in future, so that we are not forced to take more drastic measures.

Esther and Bill
142, Torreón