Aqui se les informara de los temas importantes y criticos que tienen que ver entre los propietarios. Usted podra opinar e inclusive proveer soluciones a esos temas.

This forum is to provide information about critical and important issues that need the attention of the property owners. You can discuss and provide solutions to these issues.
Mensajes: 9
Registrado: Vie Abr 18, 2014 5:33 am
Numero de Lote: 39
Urbanización: Vigia


Mensaje por Adam »

Hello all. I think that this course of action could improve our property values and put in motion a solution to the state of the road in Cerro Azul. I further offer to coordinate with other community leaders to see this process through. No TSM funds are required for this strategy but there will be costs. My goal for the public collection/fund is five thousand dollars.

Petition Strategy for Road Improvement.


1. The most idealic and effective way to improve the infrastructure (roads) in Cerro Azul is to petition the appropriate government agencies to replace the road from Farhise(EL LAGO) to the guard gate.
2. The only way to effectively accomplish this goal is through a petition process utilizing Law 38 of 2000, in specific, article 41 of this law.
3. This law requires signed petitioners and the end result is mostly based on the cuantity and quality of those petitioners therefore we need a lot of people to sign our petition in our area.

How to accomplish the task:

This is the crux of the matter, the petition board requires several things:
1. a whole lot of petitioners, I have set our goal at 2,500 individual property owners in our area and 500 non residents affected by the road conditions including local businesses.
2. An address, signature, name and date of signature for each petitioner (they will staledate the signatures).
3. A specific, united goal and purpose that each petitioner agrees to upon signing.

1. Unite the masses: the more geographically diverse our petitioners are, the better the case we make but each person needs an address. I have asked many people their address since moving here more than ten years ago and most people say who they are next to and refer to trees and other landmarks, this is not valid in a petition. The first goal therefore is to document and assign if necessary addresses to the communitys outlaying Los Altos including altos de pacora, buena vista and others.
2. Collect valid petitioners to sign and validate the information we provide.
3. Produce an incontrovertable document representing the number of affected communitys, population statistics, location, area served by the new road and other detailed information.
4. Deliver the full package of documents and copies to the required government agency.
5. Involve the MELO company as they are the most benefitted from the future improvement.
6. Make use of lobbyists in the department of government to which the claim is assigned.
7. Appeal to the inspectors they assign to investigate our issue.

Lets get it done, nothing is free!
Things dont get done without community involvement. I look forward to all of your support in order to accomplish this task.

Best case: We are submitted into the road budget for 2015 and construction takes place sometime later.

Probable Case: We get assigned to the waiting list for road rebuilds for Panama Province.

Worst case: negative result (if we follow proper procedure this shouldnt happen but is always a possibility)
Mensajes: 92
Registrado: Dom Ene 29, 2012 12:26 pm
Numero de Lote: 61
Urbanización: Torreon


Mensaje por colmport »

I like Adam's idea and his initiative. Adam can be the Rob Shirley of road improvements! If this can be done, I will be one of the first in line to sign a petition. Many people here have two addresses; their Cerro Azul address AND an address in Panama City. I could sign here as my wife and I own our home here and she also owns a home in Panama. She could sign using that address. Her mom comes here infrequently, and does not like the ride at 86, she has a home in the city.

Are you sure that the government will pave a private road? My understanding is that the Melo Group never dedicated (ceded) its private road to the government and that it is because the road from El Lago is privately owned that MOP does not maintain the same. If I am correct, let us first petition Mr. Melo to dedicate the road to the government and follow up with a petition that the government maintain the road. If MOP will maintain privately owned roads, let us sally forth and get the petition moving.

This year would have been a good year to move as there is an election. I fear that the politicians will not care to help a rural area unless they are standing for election and think they can buy a few more votes.

Mark P. Ort
#61 Torreon