Melo Group Rumor

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Mensajes: 10
Registrado: Mié Feb 15, 2012 4:36 pm
Numero de Lote: 175A
Urbanización: Centinela

Melo Group Rumor

Mensaje por Norm&Sylvie »

There is a nasty rumor circulating on the hill that Melo Group plans on abandoning its responsibilities for the maintenance of our neighborhood.
This rumor made it to the main office and Sr. Frederico Melo himself came to meet personally with Rob Shirley to categorically refute this allegation.
It is the majority opinion that Melo Group is appreciated in our community. Antagonizing rumors don't contribute to mature and productive relations.
175A Centinela
Mensajes: 275
Registrado: Jue Dic 29, 2011 8:47 pm
Numero de Lote: 89
Urbanización: Frente

Re: Melo Group Rumor

Mensaje por iqsimons »

Estos comentarios hacen daño a la comunidad.
Es importante se lea circular fechada 10 de enero de 2014, donde está claro el deseo de la empresa Administradora los Altos de Cerro Azul de continuar dando el servicio a todo el residencial, lo cual también es el deseo de la mayoría de los propietarios.
Aprovecho la oportunidad para adjuntar esta circular que ya se puso en este fórum, tanto en español como en inglés. El Frente No. 89

A continuación la traducción de la circular adjunta

We are pleased with the level of organization that has been achieved as owners, so we consider that is necessary to legitimize such actions, conduct general assembly meetings in accordance with the requirements of the law and the association bylaws, and elect new Board members of each development, with the effort, commitment, and perseverance of all involved (administration and owners).

It is in our interest to safeguard the Los Altos de Cerro Azul project, which as owners you also share, indicating your desire for us to continue to provide the administration, maintenance and conservation services, and it is in this direction that we continue to be in charge of the administration, even providing for the benefit of all property owners, our organization, such as infrastructures of our Cerro Azul and Los Angeles offices, the Cerro Azul Club, security services, vigilance, collection, informatics, accounting and communication among others.

It is difficult for an administrator to deal with the existence of 9 different associations, so it is required to merge them all into one single association and for this it is necessary to provide relevant bylaw changes with the proper authorization and approval of the General Assembly of Owners.

At this moment, we are finishing our cost analysis of all services expenses to be dully presented to everyone.

It is the wish of this company, as equally expressed by the owners, to ensure the conservation and maintenance of the whole residential area, so as to safeguard the investment made in this privileged place, Chagres National Park, where the 9 developments are located, your properties and ours also.

For these reasons, we will announce a plan for conducting the different meetings for a General Assemble of Owners, in as much that we have the assurance that you will be present to participate.

Panama, January 10 of 2014

(signed by)
Circular10-01-14 (2).pdf
(32.15 KiB) Descargado 527 veces
Mensajes: 92
Registrado: Dom Ene 29, 2012 12:26 pm
Numero de Lote: 61
Urbanización: Torreon

Re: Melo Group Rumor

Mensaje por colmport »

Norm is correct. Continued agitation is of no benefit to our community. Mr. Melo and his minions have done and continue to do a very good job or looking after this community and all of its residents. This contemptible disrespect shown to our benefactor is not advancing the cause of the community. When the Senior Mr. Melo passes formt he scene, his heirs might not hold this place as close to their hearts. If the nattering naybobs of negativity persist, this will accelerate any negative trends.

Mark P. Ort
# 61 Torreon
Mensajes: 97
Registrado: Mié Dic 28, 2011 2:37 pm
Numero de Lote: 89
Urbanización: Frente
Ubicación: Bella vista, calle 42 y calle Colombia, Edificio Rocamar, planta baja, oficina no.1

Re: Melo Group Rumor

Mensaje por tsimons »

I am going to say it once more!
1. Our Law stipulates that once more than 50% of the properties belonging to a Home Owners Association is sold, the Association must be turned over to the rightfull owners. I know that some people dont like this, but it is our law!! That's all we want!
2. If you dont know how the Associations work in Panama, I will gladly show you the law, the bylaws and the regulations! There is no need for any 50% of the owners plus one, for them to function. The law regulates even that!
3. Please stop saying that we want the Melo Group out. This is a lie that's being indirectly spread!
Terani Simons

He decidido contestarle a este propietario porque insiste en decir que los panameños queremos sacar al grupo Melo de Cerro Azul. Eso no es cierto! Lo que queremos es que nos entreguen las asociaciones, pues esta vendido mas del 95% de las propiedades que pertenecen a las diferentes asociaciones! La ley establece que deben ser entregadas por el simple hecho de que no tiene mayoría!Al parecer confunde las Asociaciones de Cerro Azul con la Administración de Cerro Azul!
Enterese que cosa es que, y deje de decir que queremos sacar a Melo!
Terani Simons
Mensajes: 92
Registrado: Dom Ene 29, 2012 12:26 pm
Numero de Lote: 61
Urbanización: Torreon

Re: Melo Group Rumor

Mensaje por colmport »

I am heartened to hear that no one is agitating to run out the Melo Group. That would spell disaster for our community.

If there are people spreading untruths, I concur that this needs to cease and those spreading untruths need to desist. We also need to find the seeds of such rumors and eliminate the seeds of such misinformation.

We need to unite for the good of the community.

If ANYONE has the financing and the capacity to bring our community into conformity with the condo laws of Panama, I am all for this idea. I believe it is a high hurdle to jump but dreams are what keeps humanity moving ever forward. This project will cost a princely sum and will take a Herculean effort to accomplish. So far I have not seen or heard of anyone financing this task or pushing this huge rock up the mountain. I read a lot of complaining but I have yet to see Hercules appear and commence his cleaning of the Augean Stables.

We have been making steady progress in having our needs met. The Administrator has published some financial information. this needs to be fleshed out in better detail so that we have a better idea of how our money is spent. Yes, there will be those who complain that the wrong brand of paint was purchased or that the job could have been accomplished with one paint roller rather than two; or that too many flowers were purchased, etc. There will always be some individual who will not be happy no matter what happens. There will be those who complain to God on the day of judgment that Heaven fails to meet their expectations. So be it...

Mark P. Ort
#61 Torreon

Mark P. Ort
#61 Torreon
Mensajes: 75
Registrado: Jue Dic 29, 2011 4:50 pm
Numero de Lote: 142
Urbanización: Torreon

Re: Melo Group Rumor

Mensaje por avechaser »

A belated reply. This is a storm in a teacup. This type of rumor is common in Panama. I worked in Colon for over twenty years. Such a rumor about our company and many other big ones (that it was about to leave) circulated widely every couple of years. It usually turned out that the source was gossip started within the company itself. Our company is still there! Why people do it is beyond me - but it is common. I bet that the rumor about Melo leaving (if it ever existed) started within that company.
What seems very odd is that Federico Melo should have chosen to come especially to Cerro Azul to reassure a single resident! What about the rest of us?

Una repuesta tardía. Este tipo de rumor (“bola”) es común en Panamá. Trabajé en Colón durante más de 20 años. Esta clase de rumor (que la compañía se iba) circulaba cada par de años, no solo acerca de nuestra empresa sino de otras empresas grandes. Generalmente descubrimos que el rumor se debía a bochinches entre los empleados de nuestra misma empresa! Nunca entendimos cuál era el motivo de los mismos, pero es común. La compañía todavía opera! Apuesto que este rumor (si realmente existía) sobre la salida de Melo originó entre sus propios empleados.
Sí parece extraño que el Ing Federico Melo haya subido especialmente a Cerro Azul para tranquilizar a un solo residente! Y qué pasó con el resto de nosotros?

Bill y Esther