Voluntarios del Parque Nacional Chagres
Publicado: Lun Jul 30, 2012 7:10 pm
Volvemos a recordar que en la Oficina de Información del proyecto Altos de Cerro Azul se encuentran disponibles los formularios para registrase como voluntario del Parque Nacional Chagres con ANAM, Autoridad Nacional del Ambiente. Se debe adjuntar una foto tamaño carnet, la que será usada para la identificación correspondiente y una fotocopia de la cédula u otro documento de identidad. Pueden solicitarlo a la sra. Migdalia. Serán llevados a la ANAM el miércoles de la semana que viene. Hay varios temas que se pueden trabajar de acuerdo al interés, pero cuando el personal venga a informarnos y orientarnos decidiremos el tema. Ser voluntario es donar un tiempo disponible para trabajar en el mejoramiento y mantenimiento del Parque en diferentes formas. Les invito a animarse. Noemí Farinoni, El Alcazar 71.
Again, remember that in the Office of information project Altos de Cerro Azul, are forms to register as volunteers of the Chagres National Park, with ANAM. To do so must attach 1 photo ID that will be used for the appropriate identification and photocopy of the identity card or other identity document. You can ask it to Migdalia. ANAM will be Wednesday of next week. There are several issues that can work according to the interest, but when staff come here to inform us and to enable us we can agree on that topic priority. Volunteering is to donate a time available to work on the improvement and maintenance of the Park in different ways. I invite you to cheer up. Noemi Farinoni, Alcázar 71.-
Again, remember that in the Office of information project Altos de Cerro Azul, are forms to register as volunteers of the Chagres National Park, with ANAM. To do so must attach 1 photo ID that will be used for the appropriate identification and photocopy of the identity card or other identity document. You can ask it to Migdalia. ANAM will be Wednesday of next week. There are several issues that can work according to the interest, but when staff come here to inform us and to enable us we can agree on that topic priority. Volunteering is to donate a time available to work on the improvement and maintenance of the Park in different ways. I invite you to cheer up. Noemi Farinoni, Alcázar 71.-