Thanks for notifying us of the meeting with the Administrator of Los Altos de Cerro Azul which we attended yesterday. This summary is only what I could gather given my poor Spanish skill. It is offered to advise others of happenings vital to all our interests. This is meant to be objective reporting. Any misunderstandings are mine. I hope others will join in with their thoughts and observations.
The presenters included Domingo Batista, Publio De Gracia, Luis Naar, and Victor De La Cruz.
The newly printed manual as approved by ANAM in March 2012 was distributed. The office usually has more copies available. And I will try to make a scan later and post.
There was an event production company that provided a large-screen projector and a public address system with wireless microphone which made for clear visuals and sound.
An audio recording of the entire 3-hour meeting is avaiable at:
Not all the audience members comments are audible as some did not have access to the microphone. The file is quite large at 80MB.
The announcement of the meeting at the garita and in La Prensa was mentioned. Some in the audience suggested that the existing email list of owners used to send monthly bills should also be used to get the word out about future meetings.
The 3-hour meeting included an executive summary of Income and Expenses. This was for 2011 and the first 3 months of 2012. A scan is attached to this message. There were questions from property owners on individual items. The discussion back and forth transitioned into the topic of homeowners' associations and whether there should be only one. The scans of the by-laws of some of the nine existing associations were said to be available on this forum. There was a spreadsheet projected on screen of TSM payments that were current and in arrears, which was not distributed. A lot of discussion dealt with how to make everyone pay their share and make it fair to all. It was mentioned that the new Horizontal Property law could be a way to enforce TSM payments by all owners.
The administrator announced an increase of the TSM. I am not sure of the increase, but think I heard the new total will be $35 per month. It was not clear to me when the new rate would go into effect. Others should confirm these items for me. Improvements to the development were mentioned along with increased costs. A comment was made by one audience member that they haven't seen any improvement in 25 years. Other owners have previously told me a TSM increase would be fair and reasonable.
Mistakes and omissions in this account are mine. I didn't stay following the meeting, so am hoping others will leave their comments. It was enjoyable seeing everyone and getting to know those in the administration. I hope to attend more of these informative gatherings.